Nascent Projects (Heavy Mineral Sands, and Gold Exploration)
Applications for Heavy Mineral Sands exploration licenses for newly identified targets in the East African Coast, and for mature Gold Projects in the famous Lake Victoria Terrane of the Tanzania Craton are underway.
Developing Projects (Dimension Stone, Rock Sand, Ballast & Counter Tops)
In the recent past the company has instituted a significant land-bank holding in Gaitu, Meru that is set to produce at least 7000 machine-cut (Basaltic Tuff) dimension stones a day. This project is set to be commissioned in the second quarter of 2021 and is envisaged to provide a reliable revenue stream @ 0.45 USD per block; with demand for building stone outstripping supply.

Basaltic Tuff dimension stone production in Meru

27 million tonne Granite resource in Athi River
A 27 million tonne Granite resource has been identified and evaluated in Athi River. This is currently at an advanced stage of development for the production of construction and specialized sand, ballast, and granite slabs targeting the impending infrastructure boom.
Advanced (Macaldar Gold Tailings)
The Macalder Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide deposit was discovered in the mid-1930s and mined for copper and gold till the mid-1970s. The tailings produced during that period have been demonstrated by Red Rock Resources to contain potentially economic levels of residual gold mineralization amenable to cyanide leach extraction. A JORC Measured Mineral Resource Estimate has since been completed with numbers estimated as 68,000 ounces of gold averaging a grade of 1.65 g/t. Ascore has a processing license and active 4 carbon in pulp plants that produces an average of 5 Kg of gold monthly for export to Dubai and Qatar.